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Kenn started Gordon Guitars way back in 1968 when he made his first instrument which was actually a Dulcimer, which he made whilst still at school. He became a luthier more out of need for himself rather than as a money making concern. Back in 1968 and at the age of 13 Kenn could not afford an expensive guitar with a decent playable action. Even the professionals back then had to play guitars with a high action. The first guitar that Kenn owned was a 1960 Suzuki acoustic with and action of about 5mm (not bad for the time period) so Kenn set about reducing the action to a playable level and after getting it down to 2mm he set about ensuring that the neck was shaved. He enjoyed woodwork at school so it was not a great stretch to start building instruments. Most instruments that Kenn made for himself ended up in the hands of his friends. It was in the 1980's though that Kenn really started to get into guitar building. 99% of the guitars that Kenn made, were with long tenon set necks rather than bolt on. By the 1990's he was making guitars for other Pro musicians and taking in orders for the weird and wonderful. Always at the sharp end of technology. Kenn made his fisrt MIDI control guitar in the 1980's but it was not until the 2000's that he came up with a system he was happy with. Most Midi Guitars relied on the Roland Hex Pickup. In conjunction with Mark Seddon of Oxbow Guitars, Kenn refined his system to work from micro vibrations allowing it to be used in any guitar including nylon strung acoustics. Combined with his mad scientist switching systems (Coil Tap, Series, Parallel, Phase, Active) all incuded for the control of the magnetic pickups. During the 2000.s Kenns guitars sold all over the world due in main, to the advent of social media. After fuffering a series of heart attacks in 2013 Kenn retired from the music industry. He still had a stock of guitars that he had built up over the years most of which were sold on. Kenn held on to the absolute best of the best show guitars, which he is now going to be moving on, as due to ill health he can no longer play. These guitars apart from being tuned up and tested by Kenn have never been used. Kenn was fanatical about the woods that he used in his builds. The older the wood the better the sound. in 1986 Kenn met with Jim Burns of Burns Guitars and bought a load of ebony from him . So with rare exceptions Kenn's guitars all had ebony fingerboards. Kenn used Old Tables and other items made of wood he would reclaim wood from these items (in part due to the wood being pre seasoned and in part to the cites agreement prohibiting the sale of some rare woods. When ken used Ivory for inlays then that would have been reclaimed from Old piano keys. Even when using veneers where possible he would reclaim it from "Beautility Furniture" was a good source of Birdseye Maple. His acoustic guitar back and sides started off life as an old coffee table. The Arts Council of the UK have after seeing these guitars allowed Kenn to put them on Show as "Works Of Art" from the 27th Dec 2024 for a period of three months. Come along a bag a bargain. Guitars that were retailing at £7,000 can now be got for as little as £1500. Not only are they functional but they are beautiful works of art. Call Kenn on 01205359207 if you are interested in buying one of these instruments
Email Kenn For Images Of These Guitars
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