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To order any Karaoke Track please email
or if you are looking for a particular track that is not listed please ask about custom made tracks

100 Pipers

500 Miles (I Would Walk)
A Gordon For Me
A Letter From America
A Man's A Man For A' That
Adieu Dundee
Annie Laurie
Ae Fond Kiss
Bang On The Ear
Banks Of The Dee
Blow Away The Morning Dew
Blue Bells Of Scotland
Bonnie Dundee
Bonnie Doon (Ye Banks And Braes)
Bonnie Lass Of Fyvie Oh
Bonnie Mary Of Argyll
Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl
Bugger Off Ya Bastards (Explicit Lyrics)
Boy From Portree
Ca' The Eewes To The Knowes
Cailin Mo Ruin-sa
Caledonia (Celtic Women)
Campbell Town Loch
Come By The Hills
Come O'er The Stream Charlie
Came Ye By Athol
Campbells Are Coming
Cold Haily Rainy Night
Comin' Thro The Rye
Corn Rigs Are Bonnie O'
Coulter's Candy (Ally Bally Bee)
Dainty Davie
Dark Lochnagar
Declaration Of Arbroath
Donald Where's Your Trousers (Rock & Roll version) 
Dream Angus
Dumbarton Drums (Classic Rock Version)
Duncan Gray
Eriskay Love Lilt
Evil Scotsman (Explicit Lyrics)
Farewell To Lochaber
Farewell To Nova Scotia
Farewell To Tarawathie
Fear A' Bhàta
Fiddlers Green
Fisherman's Blues
Flow Gently Sweet Afton
Fine Flowers In The Valley (Folk Rock Version)
Flower Of Scotland 
For Alison
Four Mary's
Gallawa Hills
Ghost Tigers In The Sky
Glencoe Massacre
Granny's Heilan Hame
Green Fields Of France (Wilderness-1916 Version)
Green Fields Of France (Guitar Version)
Gypsy Rover
Head Teeth
Henry Martin (Rock Version)
Henry Martin (Traditional Version)
Her Blue Rollin' E'e
Hey Johnnie Cope
Hills Of Halloway
Highland Fairy Lullaby
Highland Mary
House Carpenter
Hugh The Grahame
Hughes Of Cromdale
Hush Hush
I Love A Lassie
I Belong To Glasgow
I (We) Have A Dream
Jimmy Shand The Legend
Jock O' Hazeldean
Kelvin Grove
Killiecrankie O'
Laird Of Cockpen
Lairds Prayer
Land O' The Leal
Lass Of Gowrie
Lea Rig
Leezie Lindsay
Letter From America
Loch Lomond (Runrig)
Loch Lomond (Traditional)
Loch Tay Boat Song
MacPherson's Lament
Maggie Lauder
Maggie's Waddin'
Meghan Markle
Mháiri's Wedding
Mingulay Boat Song
Mist Covered Mountains
Mo Shuil ad Dheidh
Mormond Braes
Mother Glasgow
Muckin'Of Geordie's Byre
Mull Of Kintyre
My Ain Folk
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean (Beatles Ver)
My Hearts In The Highlands
My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose
My Love She's But A Lassie Yet
Nancy Whiskey

Northern Lights Of Aberdeen
Of Thee I Dream
O' Gin I Were Where Gadie Rins
Peggy Gordon (Trad)
Peggy Gordon (Rock Version)
Parting Glass
Parting Glass Lament
Piper Of Dundee
Road And The Miles To Dundee (Swing version)
Road And The Miles To Dundee (Slow & Gentle)
Road & The Miles Tae Dundee (Trad)
Roamin' In The Gloamin'
Rose Of Allendale
Rothsay Bay
Rothsay O'
Rowan Tree
Scotland The Brave
Scots Wha Hae
Scottish M.P.
Scottish Naval Patrol
Scottish Soldier
Settlers Lament
Silver Tassie (Rock Version)
Sky Boat Song
S. N. P.
Sound The Pibroch
Star Of Rabbie Burns
Sunshine On Leith
The Lairds Prayer
The Wallace
These Are My Mountains
Twa Recruiting Sergeants
Tobermory Bay
Waggle O' The Kilt
We Have A Dream
We're No Awa Tae Bide Awa
Wee Cooper Of Fife
Wee Magic Stane
Weel May The Keel Row
Westering Home
Wha'll Be King But Charlie
When The Battles Over
Where Has My Highland Laddie Gone
White Cockade
Wild Mountain Thyme
Will Ye No Came Back Again (Scottish Dance)
Willie Brewed A Peck  O' Malt
Willie's Gone To Melville Castle
Winter A Dirge
Yellow Haired Laddie
Yellow Locks Of Charlie (Rock Version)

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